Valuations for Probate

Working for families, solicitors and/or other executors of estates, Mancunian produce certified valuation reports for Probate in accordance with s160 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984.
We carry out the valuation inspections in a sensitive and respectful manner, aiming to assist families during difficult times. Mancunian’s valuers will usually visit the home of the deceased, but valuations of specific pieces, such as silver or jewellery, can take place at banks, solicitors’ offices or at Mancunian saleroom.
Frequently instructed by relatives who live in a different part of the United Kingdom, or abroad, we liaise with neighbours, estate agents and/or solicitors. Valuations can be for a single item to complete house contents; fees are based on an hourly rate and can be estimated in advance.
In addition to the Probate Valuation Report family members and/or solicitors may require extra Estate & Executor Services; Mancunian can provide storage, and sale of chattels by auction.
We communicate to all parties involved, as required, keeping everyone updated on the progress.
Please email the office or telephone, to discuss your requirements and to book an appointment.